Tutorial Identifying Your Investor Profile

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  • The content of your business plan or idea determines the profile of your likely investor, who would be most interested in it.
  • Examples include male/ female, age/ occupation, small business owner, risk tolerance, 401k, self-directed IRA, investment portfolio, etc. The greater the number of qualifiers, the better you can target your advertising dollars. Keep in mind that you are selling someone an idea.


  • The biggest obstacle to raising money is the misconception that you will find institutional funds to invest in your company. Rarely does an institution or “family managed money”, which is professionally managed money, invest in ideas without some actual proof of concept, such as your financials, to back up the Offering Documents. There are also several very sophisticated scams if you are being asked for money upfront, no matter the reason, run.
  • You do not need to know “money” to be successful in Finding Investors. This tutorial includes a Finding Investors Strategy that will allow you to identify and present your Offering documents to investors. Please read it carefully, make sure you understand it, and make your own notes as you read it.
  • For example, millions of 401k investors search Google for a greater return on their money. (Note: 401k investors can invest in your Offering by moving money from their 401k account into a self-directed IRA.
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