Can You Pay a Finder’s Fee to Someone to Bring Investors to Your Offering?

Private Placement Memorandum.
Consulting and Preparation.

No Charge 30-Minute Consultation.

PPM Preparation Fee $4,800 - No Hidden Charges.

Financing of Fee Available w/ no interest if repaid within 6 months.

No, you cannot pay an individual to raise capital. Federal compliance prohibits paying any individual to speak to investors or compensate someone on your behalf to raise investor capital. You may only pay a Broker/Dealer registered with FINRA or a National Securities Exchange a fee to bring in investors. Example: Merrill Lynch is a Broker Dealer. Individuals registered with FINRA and working for a Broker/Dealer are not Broker/Dealers. Be careful if you are trying to circumvent this prohibition. In the event of a lawsuit, you will have a very difficult time winning your case if you violate Federal Securities Laws and pay an individual to bring you investors. Furthermore, you cannot control what someone says to a prospect, but you will be responsible for what they say and their representations to prospective investors. Just don’t do it.

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